Thursday 26 March 2009

Polystyrene and freebie tips

Freecycle is a great site to recycle stuff. You can post for stuff you want or browse to see whats offered all in your local location.

This is what I guess one would call their mission statement:

'The worldwide Freecycle Network is made up of many individual groups across the globe. It's a grassroots movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns.

Freecycle groups match people who have things they want to get rid of with people who can use them. Our goal is to keep usable items out of landfills. By using what we already have on this earth, we reduce consumerism, manufacture fewer goods, and lessen the impact on the earth. Another benefit of using Freecycle is that it encourages us to get rid of junk that we no longer need and promote community involvement in the process.'


So I've joined the Plymouth Freecycle group and have just bagged a couple of bags of polystyrene chips. 'What are you going to do with those?' You ask. Well Im going to use them as 'crocks' at the bottom of my potato bags and any sacks I might get to help with the drainage.

I'm also asking for wood, railway sleepers or old floorboards so I can raise the beds once I have cleared the plot. We'll see if I get any offers.

Here's some more good freebie tips.

Save old jars, yoghurt pots and other plastic containers - and their lids (If they're saucer style) you will find dozens of uses for them potting up plants, storing seeds, rooting samples in.
Free mini cloche - cut the bottom off the bottom of a 2L drinks container and use this without the top on to cover plants you're starting off. Push them slightly into the soil to make sure they don't blow away.
Save old egg boxes to sow seeds in.
Ask neighbours for cuttings from the plants you fancy. By asking you'll make friends - do not ever just steal bits of people's plants! You will make friends who are also interested in gardening too!
Swap cuttings with neighbours.
Use an old knife to dig out weeds from the lawn.
Local sales (jumble, guides, scouts, church, car boot etc) are a great source for cheap plants.

(Tips from

(Yoghurt pot pic from here: ) Go on recycle it!

Free seeds from the BBC:-

Grow Your Own Grub

Welcome to Dig In, a campaign all about raising your own tasty veg from sowing to scoffing.
The Dig In website will be launcing on April 2nd, and will offer everything you need to get growing, even if you've never touched a trowel before.

You'll be able to send off for free seeds, then get guidance, hints and tips on how to nurture them from experts.

Then you can share your highs and lows on the Blog, where our celebrity blogger will be recording their experiences growing veg for the very first time, and our gardening experts will be on hand to offer advice.

And finally, we'll give you tasty recipes to help you enjoy your veg to the full. There's never been a better time to grow your own grub.

Check back soon, and get ready to Dig In!'

Woo Hoo! Thanks Aunty!

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